Friday, August 8, 2008


i was camping the other day in the negev desert, and there was a nice english family next to us. we started to chat it up, and we were getting along just fine. they asked me if any tour group in america would do something like this, when i realized i dont think many of them would. we would go to hotels and such. he told me his theory--that barack obama was going to change it all. that barack obama should run on a platform of americans camping. i like it.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

What I hate seeing on websites

"Sorry, yourscreenname is already registered as a Screen Name." Someone else beat you to the original wit you thought you had. Ha!

The most frustrating thing is seeing that message....thirty times.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Apparently it's obvious to people that I buy a lot of sunblock. This guy at Walgreens was asking me about it as if I'm some kind of expert... Which I guess I am.

Also, how much difference is there really between spf 30 and 50? Or 50 and 70 for that matter? Hmm...