Sunday, March 30, 2008

some things are hard to tell your parents

Like that sleeping in until 5 PM wasn't actually because I was tired. It's just that there's no possible way to make me go to church after 5 PM, because all the churches in a 50-mile radius are done by 5 PM. But how do you tell both your very Catholic parents that you don't really think this God fellow is such a nice guy anymore?
It's not a giant hatred of religion or anything. I have nothing against other people being religious, but I'm kind of tired of this entire "our-religion-is-the-only-way-to eternal-salvation" thing. It seems like most religions have no trouble with the fact that everyone who isn't going to their services and drinking the metaphorical Kool-Aid is going to die and immediately be sent to hell. I don't really think that's how the afterlife should work, if there is one.

Krispy Kreme donuts now advertise that they have 0 grams of trans fats. I don't see the point.


Chris Sadi said...
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Chris Sadi said...

I totally know what you're talking, how can you be okay with the fact that the dude on your left is going to burn in a fiery doom for eternity.

Liz said...

yeah, I get that. it's one of the parts of organized religion that I'm just not sure about yet.

jen byers said...

0 trans fats? they're super high in saturated fat (6g per donut, 29% daily value).
silly, silly donuts.

C-Frye said...

im in the exact same situation- it ended up in a big fight yesterday over the whole thing. mostly ive just decided to keep going to mass to make my parents happy.