Saturday, April 12, 2008


When "good times" become uncomfortable silences
Full of wondering, "what the other person is thinking?"
When before, nothing mattered at all
What do you do?

When everything falls to polite laughter
But the other person doesn't know that
And is still in full speed mode
What do you do?

When sometimes, you don't want to tell that person anything
Because it's not the right time or
Simply because it's not the right person
What do you do?

When you can't sleep because you're thinking
Too hard? Too much? Too little?
What went wrong? Why was it so right?
What do you do?

When your mood switches with the people you're with
You have laughs with new people
But you get mad around the old
What do you do?

When you slowly forget what life used to be like
Back when there weren't any distractions
And it was just you and me
What do you do?

When you want to cry
But tears to don't form for some reason
Was it because you didn't feel that much emotion?
What do you do?

When you lose someone completely
Things won't be the same
And things can't be the same
What do you do?

When you realize, that that someone was there for you
But you weren't for them
And yet you feel indifferent, still
What do you do?

When others things happen around you
To kill time
More break ups, more break ups
What do you do?

When the climax of everything was the best
But then it trailed off
And without an ending
What do you do?

When you realize that you could call that one person up
But only to realize you don't want to think of them anymore
You've got new things to worry about
What do you do?

When your focuses in life change
And the focus is on new people
Is there room left for the old too?
What do you do?

When you really want to concentrate
And your mind wanders more
Nothing is in focus
What do you do?

When dancing doesn't seem right anymore
When the slightest movements are interpreted wrong
When ignorance is bliss
What do you do?

When you finally feel sorry
But you can't say it
Because things won't be the same
What do you do?

When you have one last contact
Sitting alone with only memories
Empty photographs
What do you do?

When you notice shadows more than the sun
Follow the wrong advice
And mistakenly ruin everything else along the way
What do you do?

When small talk doesn't even come around
And you think that the other person is avoiding you
When really, they're just busy doing other things
What do you do?

When someone confronts you
Confides in you and expects feedback,
That you can't give
What do you do?

When you know more than the other person
But you can't say it because you're obliged not to
And it hurts to see them confused
What do you do?

When you like someone so much
You can't stop thinking about them
And you don't know if they do the same
What do you do?

When you're pushed across your limits
But for once, it feels nice
For once, it's ok
What do you do?

When songs that you play are only mellow
Summer could not come any slower
And you are always cold
What do you do?

When you say that you'll be there until the end
But the ending come sooner than you thought?
Are you relieved? Are you distraught?
What do you do?

When you forget to include someone
On purpose? By mistake?
No, it has to be both
What do you do?

When people ask you "What's up?"
And you really can't answer truthfully
So you lie
What do you do?

When you only fall asleep with: music in your ears
And thoughts of the next day
And slacking off
What do you do?

When all of a sudden, it hits you
That you had a friend all along,
But reciprocation was too hard
What do you do?

When you finally accept that you forgot
That you didn't notice
That you were faking
What do you do?

When jealousy gets the best of you
So you do the opposite
A huge lazy hypocrite
What do you do?

When tests own you, and doing your homework doesn't help
Understanding is a key
That isn't unlocking anything
What do you do?

When your parents call you at 6am
To tell you to do your homework
Because if you don't you're never coming back
What do you do?

When you feel lonelier than ever
More unproductive than before
And feel more regret with each step
What do you do?

When plans fall apart
Things come undone
And you find that they're irreversible
What do you do?

When you lose
You die
You cry
What do you do?

Honestly? You go on with life.

photo credit: Liz Zaretsky


Chris Sadi said...

I liked this. A lot.

Kcrews said...

ceecee, this hit the spot (if that expression goes for poetry?)

Jae said...

this was... long

but at least theres a little bit of it for everyone
good advice at the end of it
for that advice i applaud you

Liz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chachangx said...

haha, sorry liz
thank you guys.
i appreciate it a lot


annepip said...

ceecee, i think i know exactly how you feel.