Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I can't think of a witty title for this one.

I just got back from my trip to Kyiv. I made a lot of good friends, and absolutely love the city, the culture, and the people there. It got to the point where I could barely imagine life before or after Kyiv, and I was only there for eight days. I loved that trip, and the people I met on it...and, the day after coming back to America, I fell back into my usual rut easily, like I'd never been gone. And when I go back next summer, everyone will have changed, and I know for a fact that three or four people won't be there anymore. It'll be like a lifetime has passed, and I missed all of it.


annepip said...

Ahh. I think one of the most potent feelings is when you go back to a place (changed or unchanged) and realize how much you (and sometimes, the place) have changed.
But, I hope you took some pictures!

Gaurav Singh said...

change is good.
how weird would it be to go back and everyone is the same?