Wednesday, July 16, 2008

"I hate my life."

Sometimes I sympathize with people who have that sentiment.

But most of the time, I think, "Seriously, middle-class overdramatic emo kid trying to sound deep and pathetic at the same time, while living in America (one of the richest countries in the world), get a grip. Your life isn't half as bad as you might think."

I'm sorry if that sounds insensitive.


R.G. said...
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R.G. said...

My oldest friend from home is clinically depressed, so much so that he has an experimental implant in his neck to control his nerves. Try telling him someone else's life is worse off than his -- it won't make a bit of difference to his problems. It is true that most people in the United States have a better quality of life than other countries, however, that is not to say that mental health is any less serious issue. Developing teenagers are most likely going to go through a streak where they try to find out their place in life -- while everyone around them tells them to grow up and that there are people that are worse off. How does that help anyone? The answer is simple -- it doesn't. Try either talking to the person and help them figure out their problems, or ignore them, but simplifying things down to an argument such as this doesn't change anything.

Anonymous said...

This post, and the comment from r.g., should be a wake-up call to the blogger who posted with the bad poems and photos earlier.

R.G. said...

Q, I fail to see how my comment condones ridiculing people who try to express themselves? Actually, I believe it argued the exact opposite.

Anonymous said...

I don't think she's making fun of anyone, just saying that people are very overdramatic--sometimes, it helps to get a little bit of perspective.

Anonymous said...

america has the most number of people in prison
and PETA has a site on the top 10 prisons for vegans
cool isn't it?

Dave said...

I don't think the op was referring at all to clinically depressed people. That is a different issue from the seemingly increasing number of wonderfully talented, bright, cultured, spoiled, and chemically balanced teenagers who refuse to believe that their life is anything but miserable.
While I agree that 'simplifying things down to an argument' doesn't change much, I get very fed up with their shocking ignorance.

Oxenbrigg said...


Oxenbrigg said...

except for one thing -
i think it's well fine to hate your life. that doesn't make you ignorant. the question is whether you think it is the worst life you could have, and that is where you can judge the ignorance of a person, by bringing up kids in africa and kosovo. one may still feel for them and realise that they are going through much tougher times, but at the same dislike their own life. there is nothing ignorant about that.

Tabbey said...

The ignorance thing is just what I was getting at, Dave, thanks.

And I think it's fine to not be content with your life, there will always be things that people want to change.

I still don't like when people say that they hate their life, though, because I feel that if they can find more than ten things that are working for them, they shouldn't hate it. Dislike it, certainly, but also find ways to improve it/their outlook.

Meg said...

Yeah, I'm pretty sure she was aiming this post more at people who pull the whole emo thing for attention.

I suffer from depression/anxiety disorder and I know sometimes I feel like I've got nothing left, but that's due simply to an imbalance in my brain. There's a difference between things like that and whining about how much your life sucks because your parents won't buy you an iPhone.

Anonymous said...

hm, yeah, i say this goes well for those who say "hate" versus "dislike"

but it was kinda on the insensitive side...(then you apologized! yay)