Tuesday, March 25, 2008

there's no way i'm going to look back at this and find it well-written in 6 months

Have you ever not quite been able to pull an all-nighter, so you wake up at dinnertime the next day? Because that's pretty much been my entire break so far, and I'm not a fan of the feeling. The only good thing about sleeping this much is how incredibly weird my dreams get when they're given full opportunity to spread their wings and fly around the inside of my brain. Ideally tomorrow I'll wake up early and actually do things all day, rather than spending my daytime hours convinced that I am late for a meeting with the Prime Minister and the hallway to his office seems to be a sentient being bent on my total and complete destruction.

It's nice out. There are people I know who probably wouldn't mind spending a morning with me. There is work I must do. I might actually have more than one meal in a given period of consciousness, and I might actually be able to go to bed before I hear birds twittering and cars honking and the optimistically set alarm for 9:30 in the morning requires me to wake up and unplug the clock and then ritualistically take it apart and burn it in the hope that it may never beep, whistle, or turn on talk radio ever again. I might even be able to read the newspaper before my slightly tidier mother decides it needs to be thrown in the trash.

Sometimes I feel like the lack of a daytime schedule really messes with my head more than I'd like to admit, which would explain my horrible dreams.

One night, every time I tried to fall asleep I'd drift off and suddenly feel like I was falling and wake up. The weird thing is, having actually done some falling in my time, this feeling is a lot worse than I think actually jumping off a building is. It's the anxiety I feel right before hitting the ground but I never hit the ground, lengthened and magnified a thousandfold.



1 comment:

Mamatha Challa said...

I feel like you and I randomly talk to each other a lot, at times of unnatural-staying-upisity.

Let me just say that some of our best conversations have been at such times. I agree though- our brains are getting messed up.